About US



Passionate about Genealogy 

  First started in the late 1980’s on a Portable Personal Computer (IBM 5155, weighing 30 pounds with a nine inch amber display) using DOS.  Some aspects of research have changed since those early days!

    In todays world, in addition to the multitude of internet research and resources available, we also participate in the vast array of DNA ancestral research.  This allows us to problem solve in a way that was unforeseen even a few years ago. 


Continuing search for answers

Genealogists find creative ways to source and document ancestors.  Our strategies range from taking scraps of family papers to using today’s everchanging online research and using these to solve roadblocks.  

      One of the more unique solutions we have come across follows.  Isaac Phillips (1766-1834) amassed a fortune of more than $5 million.  For close to 70 years his relatives tried to prove their claim to the fortune without success.  The family bible (which contained needed family history) had been buried with Susana Philips in 1866. It turns out that the only solution was to exhume the bible in 1891.  At this point the fortune was worth more than $6 million, but the exhumation solved the family/court dilemma based on genealogical efforts.   



Justin S. Friar

Professional Genealogist


Boston University Certificate in Genealogy Research in 2018. Membership activities in various genealogy groups including New England Historic and Genealogical Society. 



Baronial Order of Magna Charta (BOMC)

Sheriffs & Constables of Colonial & Antebellum America

Descendants of The Founders of Ancient Windsor

Thomas Munson Foundation

Rich Family Association

Bloodlines of Salem

Ongoing project of editing and revising 7,967 pages of ancestry covering more than 14,241 ancestors. 

The Crew

A Team You Can Rely On